
2025.02.13 >new Typewriters Paradise’s posts (16):
valentine’s and related cards; de illustrator Harriett Mary Bennett (1870-1921); vertical script and handwritten script typeface

– A Q & A session with Chris Cottle’s Blickensderfer Facebook group concluded on 7th January. As the curator of the Blickensderfer Serial Number Master List I have answered Cottle’s questions every two weeks for an entire year.


– On 24th October, Typewriters Paradise went online. It is a website about everything about typewriters, from postcards to extensive brand descriptions with serial number lists.
There is a base with as diverse an offer as possible, to give an impression of the extensive possibilities. New posts are added weekly
You are most welcome to join us. Only € 12 for one year of admission.

– On 3rd January, in collaboration with Chris Cottle, a biweekly contribution ‘Ask the BSNML’ started for the Blickensderfer Typewriter Group on Facebook.

– Seriennummern von Schreibmaschinen und der Blickensderfer, Historische Bürowelt, 131, 2023.04, pp.7-9
– A report of the July 2023 collectors meeting in Driebergen (NL), The Paradise Tribune, 101, 2023.06.03

– More about the dots, (the end) probably, (S)SF,  2, September 2020
– News about the three-dot type & … contra arguments, (S)SF,  1, August 2020

– Centennial Letters Questionnaire, ETCetera, 127, Winter 2019/20, p.19
– Blickensderfer Serial Number List update, ETCetera, 126, Fall 2019, p.18
– The Rembrandt Jubilee, ETCetera, 125, Summer 2019, pp.18,19
The Paradise Tribune, number 100 (last of hundred issues)

– The Chinese Typewriter: a Circle, a Square, and a Book,  ETCetera, 122, Fall 2018, pp.3-10,17

– together with Martin Reese: the ‘lost’ Olympia-typewriter collection from Wilhelmshaven, Historische Bürowelt, 103, April 2016, pp.13-19

– Die Sammlung Osterwald, Historische Bürowelt, 100, 7/2015, pp.23-28 (+ English version: The Osterwald Collection)
– Wo bleiben die jungen Sammler ?, Historische Bürowelt, 100, 7/2015, p.35

– Hermes Baby 2a / Gebrauchsanweisung für die Kleinschreibmaschine, not published article, 7/9/2014
– Treffen der IRMHS in DK-Nyborg, HBw-Aktuell, 7/8 2014, p.2
– Die Sándor, Historische Bürowelt, 96, Juli 2014, pp.11-13 (+ English translation)
– Typosphäre, Archiv, 1/2014, pp.3,4 (Bayreuth- a3)
– Aktivitäten in den Niederlanden, Historische Bürowelt, 95, April 2014, pp.21-23

– Blickensderfers, lecture for Paradise Tribune members in Utrecht on 26 November 2013
– Rechnitzers Schreibmaschinen Seitensprung, Historische Bürowelt, 91, April 2013, pp.14-16

– Circles around Malling Hansen / the English Connection, lecture for the International Rasmus Malling-Hansen Society, Cologne  27 May 2012

– How do you spell ‘platen’ en hoe het verder allemaal heten mag, lecture, publication and a small exhibition, 2011

– De Homo Accumulens, een historische schets van verzamelaarsbijeenkomsten, lecture for Paradise Tribune members in Rotterdam on 6 November 2010
– The Future of the Past: Underhill’s Wishes, ETCetera, 91, September 2010, p.14

– Brooks, Sjoberg und die Garvin Machine Company, Historische Bürowelt, 81, December 2009, pp.11-14, 26,27
– Typing Gets Started in Spain, ETCetera, 86, June 2009, p.3
– (ed.Jos Legrand), Meyer/Martin – das Werk eines guten Menschen, Maastricht/Rotterdam 2009
– (ed.Jos Legrand) Meyer/Martin exhibition catalogue, Maastricht/Rotterdam 2009

– An Open Letter to Abner Peeler, ETCetera, 84, December 2008, pp.3-6
– Analdo English Simply Invented a Typewriter, ETCetera, 84, December 2008, pp.7-9
– Ups and Downs of the Dollar, The Typewriter Exchange, 20, 4, November 2008, pp.820-822
– The Matouš Typewriter, ETCetera, 79, September 2008, pp.6,7
– Reduced for the Pocket: One-Handed Devices, ETCetera, 82, June 2008, pp.3-6
– Among the Jostling Crowd / Livermore’s Permutation Typograph, ETCetera, 81, March 2008, pp.3-5  (livermoredraft3)
– The Onondaga Split-Up: Barney’s Model,  ETCetera, 81, March 2008, pp.10-12; also published in Auktion Team Breker / Spezial-Auktionen catalogue, 31 May, 2008.


– Matouš and the Baby .. But who is the Father ?, ETCetera, 80, December 2007, pp.3-5
– The Mitterhofer Exhibition: New Insights, ETCetera, 78, June 2007, pp.6,7

– Alice Sanger, President Harrison’s Stenographer, May 2003
– Reflections of a Century Hence, ETCetera, 61, March 2003, p.5
– By cycling, a relation .. but not more than that .., The Typewriter Exchange, 15, 1, 2/2003, pp.497-498

30-Cent Typewriter ?, ETCetera, 54, June 2001, pp.10,12

Toetsvaardigheid, De Letter, 91, 4, December 2000, pp.18,19

– Caligraph, Pinocchio under the Typewriters, The Typewriter Exchange, 11, 4, November 1999, pp.298-300
– Reanimated Blickensderfers, The Typewriter Exchange, 11, 1, February 1999, pp.259,263

– Typen, tijpte, getikt, De Letter, 87, 2, June 1996, pp.4,5

– Typemachines verzamelen, De Letter, 86, 4, December 1995, pp.9,10

– (letter to the editor) Helios, Historische Bürowelt, 38, June 1994, pp.7,8

– Rarity and Desirability / an ETC Opinion Poll, (cooperation), ETCetera, 14, February 1991, pp.3-9

– Dating the Caligraph, ETCetera, 10, March 1990, pp.6,7

1990-1992     for TPC, Typewriter Patent Club
– what about Washburn, TPC, 5, 2/1992, pp.2-5
– Christopher Latham’s obsession, TPC, 4, 6/1991, pp.3,4
– An Austrian Odell, TPC, 4, 6/1991, pp.6,7
– Mill’s peerdekoetsenpatent, TPC, 4, 6/1991, pp.8,9
– centennial (1) : may 1891, TPC, 4, 6/1991, pp.18-20
– centennial (2) : World, TPC, 4, 6/1991, pp.36-44
– Wier + and Samenhof +, TPC, 3, 1/1991, pp.2,3
– Edelmann, bedelman, TPC, 3, 1/1991, pp.5,6
– ge-Mirus, TPC, 3, 1/1991, pp.6-9
– Radio’s Bottom, TPC, 3, 1/1991, pp.20-24
– Spatlex, beschouwingen omtrent Simplex-patenten, TPC, 2, 9/1990, pp.12-17
– Wrigley’s Premium Chewing Gum Assortments always give satisfaction, TPC, 1, 7/1990, pp.13-17
– centennial: Hamilton !, TPC, 1, 7/1990, pp.30-39, + TPC, 2, p.17
– Walker USP 747667, TPC, 0-number, 4/1990, p.4
– Patefactio: Lee S. Burridge, TPC, 0-number, 4/1990, pp.5-7
– Gefeliciteerd: Crandall, TPC, 0-number, 4/1990, pp.8,9

– Collecting in Europe, The Typewriter Collector, November 1985, p.4
– Die Ideal-A-Maschinen und die Literatur, Leertaste, 16, 1985, pp.6-10

1982-1996 for KWBL, Dutch Q,  and  KWBL-Deutsch (beside numerous editorial comments about actuality, exhibitions, collectors and collections, collectors meetings, and book reviews / and some lectures)

– about the following machines: earliest Allen, Ajax, Bing, Blickensderfer Electric, Bonita, Corona 4, Creed, Dea, Deutschland, Diamant, Erika 5, Everclean, Ideal A5, Felio, Fox, Gundka, Halberg, Heady, Iberia, Ideal A5, Index Visible, Ingersoll, Junior, Karli, Lloyd, Ludolf, Malling Hansen, Ma Secretaire, McLoughlin, Mentor, Mercedes 1, Meteor family, Mignon 1, Mignon 2, Molle, Monofix, New Century Caligraph, Neya, Niagara, North, Nouveau Siècle, Nova, Odell family, Odkolek, Phönix, Presto, Radio, Rapid, Remington model 1, Remington 16, Rexpel, Rico, Rooy, Royal 1, Simplex family, Student, Sun, Star, Sterling, Westphalia, World, Yu Ess

– about the following themes: Mares and the English, United Typewriter Company, Variable Spacing, Shifting, Etymology.

De schrijfmachine in Nederland, publication of the Schrift- en schrijfmachinemuseum, Tilburg 1979