
– Gene Anbaum, Paradigm Shifts: Typewritten Tales Of Digital Collapse And Escapements: Typewritten Tales From Post-Digital Worlds, 2020.04.11

– G.Engbarth, E Lebe für Büromaschine / mei Postpaket no Maastricht, Oeffentlicher Anzeiger, 87, 2019.04.12, p.24

– interview in the Thüringische Landeszeitung, 2016.03.21

– B.Ypma, Uitgelezen, Jos Legrand en Ernst Martin Verlag, The Paradox of the Waste Paper Basket, Archievenblad, 119, 4, 2015, p.46

– Ben Marks, The Existential Conundrum That Is the American Waste Paper Basket, Collectors Weekly, 4/5/2015,

Lorne Vansinclair, There was a time when offices were actually offices, and the technology can be fascinating, Packet & Times, 2015.09.04,

– Johannes Meyer memorial monument in Pappenheim, Germany, 2009

– Lutz Rolf, Kommentar zu ‘Meyer/Martin – das Werk eines guten Menschen’, HBw-Aktuell, 28, 01/2010, p.16